What does copyright mean on the website?
It quite simply means that the original author or creator of any creative work (writing, images, music, software, etc. etc.) has the sole right to copy (distribute, publish, sell, copy) that work for a set period of time (which is long, decades) unless he or she explicitly hands over that right to someone else.
Copyright does not have to be explicitly mentioned or registered anywhere. The act of creation is itself enough to give you the ownership and be protected by law.
Copyright protection is automatic under international law, but in the event that your work is infringed evidence may be required to support your claim. It also helps to deter infringement (particularly from those who do not understand copyright) if you make it clear that your work is protected under copyright law. So ensuring the best protection for your work relies on several factors.
It quite simply means that the original author or creator of any creative work (writing, images, music, software, etc. etc.) has the sole right to copy (distribute, publish, sell, copy) that work for a set period of time (which is long, decades) unless he or she explicitly hands over that right to someone else.
Copyright does not have to be explicitly mentioned or registered anywhere. The act of creation is itself enough to give you the ownership and be protected by law.
Copyright protection is automatic under international law, but in the event that your work is infringed evidence may be required to support your claim. It also helps to deter infringement (particularly from those who do not understand copyright) if you make it clear that your work is protected under copyright law. So ensuring the best protection for your work relies on several factors.
how to protect copyright?
easy steps to protect your content and safeguard against disputes and infringement,
this link web solution: